Friday, September 9, 2011

DIAPERS!!!!! Almost free

Building my diaper wall!!!! Yes Super Savers, I have a diaper wall. I am having a baby and have kids already, so yes I am aware that a baby goes thru an average of 3000 diapers in the first year alone!!!! That is crazy.... So every week that I have coupons and see great deals, I am stocking up on diapers... Check out this deal.....
So this week Target had a cool deal... If you bought 2 boxes of diapers on sale for $19.79 a box, you received a gift card for $10. Also if you bought 2 boxes of wipes on sale for $12.99, you received a gift card for $5. I had 2 target coupons that were $3 off if you bought wipes and diapers together. I also had 2 coupons for $1.50 off a box of diapers. So when I got up to the register, the wipes actually rang up for $10.99 instead of $12.99, BONUS.... After coupons my total became $52.56. I had 2 gift cards that I had received doing taste testing, so out of pocket cost was just under $3.00. So don't underestimate my links to the focus groups on this blog. After all was said and done, I also received $15 in gift cards that I could use on my second transaction....



  1. Must be nice to be able to use more than 1 coupon on the same purchase!!!!

  2. Thats whats great about Target. You can combine a manufacturer coupon and a Target coupon. I find some of my best deals are there due to combining :)
