Ok after countless hours, I have figured out how to organize my binder. I have put printed labels inside the edge of plastic sheet covers. It is alphabetical and by month. I will keep up to 4 months for each letter. First for example A-April, A-May, A-June, A-July. If I had a coupon for Aveeno and it expires in April, well then it would be placed in the A-April. As April comes and goes, that page will be taken out of the binder and put into a different binder, and replacing it with the A-August page, thus ensuring that I would only have 4 months for each letter. I am going to mainly focus on CVS, Walgreens and Rite-aid ads for now.
This is a label, I put it on the inside of the protector as it will be handled often.
This is one of my pages, I have four of these for each letter
Each week, I will go thru the ads, see what store coupons I could matchup with my manufacturers coupons and which products I will get rewards for, Register Rewards, Extra Care Bucks, Etc. I will check on my new fav site,
http://www.coupondivas.com/ to see if there are any exceptionally good deals at Target, Walmart and Stop and Shop, and pull those coupons. While making my normal grocery list for the week, I will see if there are any coupons for the products I currently use. I will start with obviously the current month only. When I am doing my last 2 weeks of grocery shopping, I will look at my coupons that are in danger of expiring and see if I would actually use any of those products.
I'm still struggling with an organizational system for my coupons!